Is the activity Reply To Outlook Mail Message with different subject already available for UiPath studio users? I’ve checked that this is possible to do in UiPath StudioX but not in Studio for developers.
I already tried to send a new email and include the previous email body thread but the format is not the same.
It’s not possible to change the subject with Reply To Outlook Mail Message activity. Read Mail subject, Body, To, CC etc… from mail and pass it to Send Outlook Mail Message activity.
If you have tried that it’s possible to do in studiox, in that case, you can try using that studiox activity itself in studio by enabling studiox activities from under filter option sign available under Activities panel menu.
My process workflows was developed from Studio. I just need that particular function. I haven’t tried it yet in StudioX, just checked it was possible based from the docs.
It’s okay. You can give it a try. You don’t need to go to studios for this. Studiox activities can be used in studio itself by enabling the option I suggested above.
We’re currently using Enterprise Studio version 2019.10.2 and can’t seem to find StudioX from the filter. Looks like it’s only available for the version mentioned by @ovidiuponoran.
We are on 2020.10.9 version and can see this option.
@ovidiuponoran, Can you please confirm if this feature is not available in 2019 version was added in 2020 v or there is some additional setting that needs to be enabled?
Thanks for confirming. Do you have other ideas on how I will be able to reply with diff. subject?
Suggested workaround to send new email to reply and append previous email thread in the body has formatting issues as body is in HTML format.