Reply to mail using exchange activity

Hi everyone I have Retrieved a mail through Exchange mail activity now I want to reply to that same mail can anyone help me how can I do that PS( I cant use Outlook activities)

There is no direct way but you can follow the steps below

  1. Retrieve the Original Email:
    Use the Get Exchange Mail Messages activity to get the email message you want to reply to.
  2. Prepare the Reply Email:
  • For the subject, add the “Re:” prefix.
  • For the body, include your reply text at the top, followed by the original email’s details for continuity.
  1. Send the Reply Email:
    Use the Send Exchange Mail Message activity with the properly formatted subject and body to mimic a reply.

Here is an example of how to set up the subject and body for the reply email:

// Set the reply subject
string replySubject = "Re: " + originalEmail.Subject;

// Set the reply body
string replyBody = newReplyText + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
    "From: " + originalEmail.From.Address + Environment.NewLine +
    "Sent: " + originalEmail.Headers.Get("date") + Environment.NewLine +
    "To: " + string.Join(",", originalEmail.To) + Environment.NewLine +
    "Cc: " + string.Join(",", originalEmail.CC) + Environment.NewLine +
    "Subject: " + originalEmail.Subject + Environment.NewLine + originalEmail.Body;
  1. Configure the Send Exchange Mail Message Activity:
  • Set the To field with the necessary recipients (reply will typically use the From address of the original email).
  • Use the replySubject for the Subject field.
  • Use the replyBody for the Body field.
  • Ensure any necessary attachments are handled as required.

Hope this helps!