How can I rename a file that is downloaded from a web browser that is .xls to be converted into .xlsx in the new Studio 2020.4.1 verison. Currently, the file from the web is in the the downloaded folder path, but it will need to be saved as a .xlsx file under a different file path.
If you only want to rename the file without changing its initial structure then you can use Move File activity.
Download the file from the internet to your local drive and then rename it. Extension will also change
I keep getting this error when I try to use the Move File activity.
Hi olsonse,
you can use invoke code
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.RenameFile(oldName,newName) (30.1 KB)
When I do this, the new .xlsx file does not have any data in it and won’t load anything in the workbook.
Sorry olsonse,
oldName is readly .xlsx and newName is .xls
you can change this in Edit Arguments.
This will rename from .xls to .xlsx
or download edited (27.2 KB)