I would like to download excel file in edge browser. then rename it directly after download.
what is the best practice ?
I don’t want to open manually like save as etc…
I would like to download excel file in edge browser. then rename it directly after download.
what is the best practice ?
I don’t want to open manually like save as etc…
Hello @Nightowl_music
Hi @Nightowl_music You can use rename file activity and give your input file path and the also give your newfilename in the newname property box. This will help you to rename your file of any type automatically.
Thanks and Regards
it’s in a for each. because files all have the same name. I have rename names in a assign activity
@Nightowl_music Can you please provide a sample screenshot of the downloaded files.
I would just save it in a temp location and then use the rename activity. can be accomplished quite easily inside your for each loop. If you could provide more context/screenshots I would be able to provide a more elaborate solution.
the files having the same name each download : sample.xlsx
I specified names is a string to rename the sample.xlsx
Make this change in chrome
Settings->Download->Ask where to download->turn this on
Once we hit on the download option the file explorer will pops up
Now take one attach window activity and attach that explorer
In the file type like this
"folderpath\YourFileName"+now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy hh;mm;ss)+".xlsx"
This will rename the file automatically…
If you’re file name wants to be dynamic… use the currentDate and time…
This will keep on change the file names
I want to do it without opening the download.
We can do that by following the mentioned steps…
Please follow the steps…