Remove row table

@Namrata_Bhovi please follow these steps.
1-read first file in dt1
2-read 2nd file in dt2
3- apply distinct query in dt1 and store it dt3
4- loop over d1
5- 2nd loop inside first one over dt2
6- put condition inside 2nd loop
5-match code column with distinct dt3 code column
6- put remove data row in then part

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can u send sample workflow i want for take Type B and opration’s to be filed number and delete that row from second excel

@Namrata_Bhovi I am in office I can send you later

ok sir back to send workflow

@Namrata_Bhovi can you give me excel files

Excel1.xlsx (9.1 KB)
Excel2.xlsx (9.7 KB)

This are my two excel and in excel1 I want if Option B have Parameters to be filled number available
then remove that number row from second excel i.e excel 2 and write in excel file

please little bit wait

can you highlight column, i am confused

In excel 1 in column Type select Option B and if Option B has (Column)Parameter’s to be filled number available then remove that number row from second excel(column Invoice #)

this is sample to understand clearly