RemoteException wrapping System.ArgumentException

hi guys

i am getting below error whenever i am running. it appears every time … does any have any suggestion or idea to resolve it…

RemoteException wrapping System.ArgumentException: WorkflowIdentity.Name and Package cannot contain leading or trailing white space (Unicode character categories Zl, Zp, or Zs).
Parameter name: value
at System.Activities.WorkflowIdentity.ValidateName(String name, String paramName)
at System.Activities.WorkflowIdentity.set_Name(String value)
at UiPath.Executor.WorkflowIdentityHelpers.CreateFrom(JobModel job, String workflowPath)
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.InitWorkflowApplication()
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.d__78.MoveNext()


Welcome to our uipath community.

May I know when you are getting this error ? Could you please tell more details about the issue for better understanding.

whenever i run programmes based on using different dictionary use in that, then that error pops up. same like above description.

Please post your resolution. It may be relevant to someone else someday.