Errorfix for "Error : RemoteException wrapping System.ArgumentException: Invalid name. (Parameter 'name')" .
Error Description: RemoteException wrapping System.ArgumentException: Invalid name. (Parameter 'name')
Root Cause: This issue is caused due the long path of the project files like test case xaml's, where the UiPath service was not able to download due to character limitation of 260 from Windows. Be informed that there is no character limit from UiPath end. So while installing the package in the robot machine if any of the file path is exceeding the limit, it can cause this issue.
Installation of packages will be in below location,
- C:\Users\{username}\.nuget\packages\{packagename}\{version}\lib\net45\{filename}
Therefore it is recommended to keep the max length of path within 200 to avoid any issues.
Resolution: Perform the below steps,
- Check for any duplicate value with "Name" in the project xaml file. If found, replace it with any other value
- Rename the Project to smaller name from Project settings page in Studio. Find tdetails of Adjusting the Project Settings .
Note: While renaming the project to smaller name, there might be an error "Unique id already used in another project error"
Hence follow the below steps to resolve the above issue:
- Open project.json file in Notepad
- Create a new GUID using the link and then replace the GUID in the project.json file under the section "fileInfoCollection" in "testCaseId"
- Once updated, publish the Test Case.