I’m facing a problem when using the get mail activity under Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity.
I’m getting this error message but randomly:
RemoteException wrapping Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException: Code: generalException
Message: An error occurred sending the request.
—> RemoteException wrapping System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. —> RemoteException wrapping System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
I’m under UiPath Studio 2020.10 and I’m using the version 1.11.1 of the package UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities.
I’m using the ApplicationIdAndCertificate as an authentication type.
To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following:
Check your proxy settings and make sure they are correctly configured. You can do this by going to your internet options in the control panel and checking the LAN settings.
Verify that your proxy credentials are correct. This could be your Windows login or a separate proxy login provided by your IT department.
Make sure that your firewall is not blocking the connection to the Microsoft Office 365 server.
Try running the workflow on a different network to see if the issue is related to your current network.
Upgrade to the latest version of UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities package and try again.