
Hello @UiPath_Community

Can anyone please let me know what is the best way to do automation on remote desktop?

Thanks In Advance.

Hi @Vaibhav_Shukla

Use Computer Vision Activities to work on remote Desktop appications.


Hi @Vaibhav_Shukla

Use the Computer vision activites to do the automation in the remote desktop.

Note - The CV activities have to be encapsulate with CV Screen scope.

Hope it helps!!

which activities are best and preferrable to use while automating remote desktop??
@UiPath_Community @uipath

@mkankatala if screen changes everytime when we run automation ,will computer vision works??

Screen changing means is it changing from local system to remote desktop or viceversa. @Vaibhav_Shukla

@mkankatala from real screen when automation is moving to rdp then it is not fix that everyt8me same screen will appear

If changing of every time from real screen to rdp, when changing to rdp every time we have to use the CV Screen scope and place the cv activities inside.

To automate the applications in rdp we have to use only CV activities. @Vaibhav_Shukla

Thank you @mkankatala
means there is no other way except cv screenscope??

Yes @Vaibhav_Shukla.

If you find the solution for your query make mark it as solution which help to other forum members.

Happy Automation!!

Hello @mkankatala

can you also please help me undertand what is on premises and stand alone license?
And which one is better?