Relative screen scraping is not working for pdf

Hi, I am new to UiPath. I am trying to capture data from pdf using relative screen scraping. I am facing an issue with selector. It is not generating automatically at ‘find image’ & ‘get text’.

But if I run the same program by using anchor base; it is working properly.

I have checked all setting for pdf.

I am getting this error message.

recording has thrown an exception

Source: Find Image ‘document’

Message: Activity timeout exceeded

Exception Type: ActivityTimeoutException

UiPath.Core.Activities.ActivityTimeoutException: Activity timeout exceeded
at UiPath.Core.Activities.ScopeActivity.OnFaulted(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
at System.Activities.Runtime.FaultCallbackWrapper.Invoke(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
at System.Activities.Runtime.FaultCallbackWrapper.FaultWorkItem.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)

Please help.