Total Charges / Activities:
Miscellaneous Charges … 100,123.40
Hi, I am trying to get the amount from the above using RegEx
(?<=Total Charges\s/\sActivities:\s*.\s)[\d+,.]+
But it is also giving me the dotted line. Can you help please?
Total Charges / Activities:
Miscellaneous Charges … 100,123.40
Hi, I am trying to get the amount from the above using RegEx
(?<=Total Charges\s/\sActivities:\s*.\s)[\d+,.]+
But it is also giving me the dotted line. Can you help please?
Hi @A_Learner
Try this (Modified regex expression):
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(strinput,"(?<=Total Charges\s\/\sActivities:\n*.|\s)[\d,.]+")
Or use this regex expression:
Datatype: IEnumerable(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match)
Hope it helps!!
Can you try to add (?=\r?\n|$) as the following?
(?<=Total Charges\s/\sActivities:\s*.*\s*)[\d+,.]+(?=\r?\n|$)
Thank you. Need a generic one amount can vary like for example 123.45 and also 123,456,789.01?
Thank you, @Yoichi
It works great!!
Why do I need to have $ at the end?
Thanks a lot,
Hi @A_Learner
You can use the data manipulations to extract the output data
- Assign -> strvar = "Total Charges / Activities:
Miscellaneous Charges … 100,123.40"
- Assign -> output = strvar.Split("…")(1).Trim.ToString
Check the below workflow for your reference
Hope it helps!!
Because if there is numeric character before the target, it will be matched. To prevent it, it’s necessary to set pattern the target exists at the end of the line or string (\r?\n|$).
Thank you, @Yoichi for explaining.
Thank you @mkankatala
Thank you @A_Learner
Happy Automation!!!
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