Hi friends,
I need to extract amount from a file.
Amount :#654,768,7654.00#
This amount is not constant it keeps varying.
I should use regex.
Plz help ne
Hi friends,
I need to extract amount from a file.
Amount :#654,768,7654.00#
This amount is not constant it keeps varying.
I should use regex.
Plz help ne
Input="Amount :#654,768,7654.00#"
Output= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Input,"[\d,.]+").Value
Hope it helps!!
you can try this way also
new String(inputstr.Where(Function(a) char.IsNumber(a)).ToArray)
Try this Regex
Var= Amount :#654,768,7654.00#"
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Var, “(?<=Amount\s*:\s*#)([\d,]+.\d{2})(?=#)”).Value
Hope this helps you
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