REgex to split a string at a capital letter in 1 variable

I am able to extract a city from a long string. Sometimes the city is 1 word sometimes multiple. When it is multiple it is written with no spaces (i.e., NewYorkCity) and I need for it to be written with spaces (i.e., New York City).

I know how to split into an array and then i can get the string value from that but I want to be able to put the city in 1 variable regardless if it is one word or multiple.

Here is an example of how the cities output are:

The highlighted ones are multiple name cities.

My assign for City to get to that is this:

City = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(NoLinePDF,“(?<=customerresidingin).+(?=,)”).ToString

City = Split(City,”,”)(0).ToString.Trim

Each word of the city name would be capitalized. Any help would be appreciated.


Can you try this to split.assumption is it would have capital letters


You can join back with space as well

String.Join(" ", System.Text.Regularexpressions.Regex.Split(str,"(?=[A-Z])").ToArray)


Yes so that creates an array correct?

How would i combine the array back to 1 variable of string?

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Sorry didn’t see your update, i will try this.

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Hi @atarantino ,

Could you try with the below Expression :

Regex.Replace("NewYorkCity","(?=[A-Z])"," ")
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Hi @atarantino,

You can do that by using the String.Join(" ",YOURARRAYOfSTRINGVARIABLE) method.

In short (char separator, params object? values)
In your case you want a " " as separator and YOURARRAYOfSTRINGVARIABLE

this is exactly what i needed. I replaced “NewYorkCity” with the string variable. Appreciate the help.

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