Hey guys.
Is there a chance that I can get the words from a string using a Regex expression?
My string contains multiple words with only 1 space between them and I want to extract them individually.
Thanks in advance.
Hey guys.
Is there a chance that I can get the words from a string using a Regex expression?
My string contains multiple words with only 1 space between them and I want to extract them individually.
Thanks in advance.
I have a read range activity from an excel file that has columns with multiple words, such as:
I want to build a List of Strings out of them but I only want to have one of each word
So my collection of strings should only contains one of each of those words:
For example at the end if I want to do a for each item in my collection, the output should be something like this:
Hope the following sample helps you.
res = dt.AsEnumerable.SelectMany(Function(r) r(0).ToString.Split(" "c)).Distinct().ToArray()
Main.xaml (8.5 KB)
You can use “,”.Join(yourString.split(" “c)) to get it as string and yourString.split(” "c) as array.
Thank you, that did the trick. I did adjust it in my case and it does work.
Hello @Paul_Andrei_Turcu ,
You can also use the below method to achieve the same :
After read range use assign acivity
YourListVar = (From row In DT1.AsEnumerable
Select (If(row(0).ToString.Split(" “c).Length>1, row(0).ToString.Split(” "c).Last,row(0)).ToString)).ToList()
This will return you a list with the desired data in it.
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