I am having a text which consist of more unstructured data and I have to extract some name which is in the format like
And some random text I used the below expression
System.text.regularexpression regex.match(variable name,β(?<=1.)).*β).value
The above regex extracts syed bcoz of that 1. Inside the expression I want to extract all the names like 1. ,2. So I have to use 0-9 how to insert it in this expression
buddy you were almost done you know
no worries kindly try with this it works
Cheers @syed1994
did that work buddy @syed1994
No @Palaniyappan I tried its not working
Gfrfdc ghtfh kmnnm. May24
Vjbvbjb ujytgh
*sdop gtfd. Nkv
This is the sample unstructured text there are more robust dataβs so I extracted text between >nti and >rti and the problem is I have to skip Gfrfdc ghtfh kmnnm. May24
Individual matches
Capture everything
system.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(inputstring,β(?<= [0-9] .).*β).Value
i am using this expression but i am getting a single result as 1.syed
Buddy here is a sample xaml for you buddy @syed1994
regex.zip (2.0 KB)
Try this one