Regex to extract only top data from email body

Hi Everyone,
I want to extract the top name from the email body from the below email template.

From : Alex
To : Tom
Content: Contract
I need to renew contract

From : Jim
To : Shiva
Contect: Contract Renewal Cancellation
I don’t need to renew the contract

The above is the example of email body, I want to extract the top name only from every email. Kindly suggest the regex expression to extract the top name only.

Thanks in advance


What should be the output?

From : Alex
To : Tom
Content: Contract
I need to renew contract

This one?

Hi @ashokkarale,

Output should be “Alex”


Hi @Binod_Kumar_Biswal

Try this




Hi @lrtetala ,

Thanks for your response.

But I want to extract only the first name i.e., Alex out of while content but with this this it will extract Alex and Jim right ?

I want the top name only from the entire email body.


It extracts the top name only i.e., first match


Another way, try below



Hi @Binod_Kumar_Biswal

Instead of using regex you can use substring method as well,
below is the syntax to extract the first value after 'From : ’ and attaching screenshot as well for your reference

strInput.Substring(strInput.IndexOf("From : ")+"From : ".Length).Trim.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray)(0).

if you want in regex format you can use below syntax in assign activity,

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