Reg UIPATH Studio profile

Hello connections

I need to change StudioX to UiPath Studio profile but iam not able to do it .

can anyone guide how to change licences from StudioX to Studio

Hi @Tejaswini_Yadav1

Have you tried with UiPath settings>licences & profile >change peofile?


For now, can you share which license you use at left-bottom corner of start page?



i tried can’t change the profile

If you have Studio license assigned to you then you should be able to see both options as below:

But if you only have studioX assigned for you, you won’t be able to use or switch to studio using ‘License and Profile’ tab there.

Which license is assigned to you?

To check the license type assigned to you, go to orchestrator, Users tab at tenant level, search your username, click on edit and see. Below screen should be there.


Can you check which license is allocated in Admin - Account&Group in Automation Cloud as the following image? it’s necessary to allocate AutomtionDeveloper if use Studio.
