kindly let me know is there any way in Linq or other way to reconcile 2 tables. the table 1 have 2 duplicate row and another table have 3 duplicate row to reconcile and get the out as 2 matched rows and one unmatched
for an example - table 1
Name | EMP No | task
bala | 2323 | RE Project
bala | 2323 | FF Project
bala | 2323 | LM project
Guna | 2211 | ka project
Sainthi | 3221 | LL Project
example - table 2
Name | EMP No | task status
bala | 2323 | complete
bala | 2323 | pending
Guna | 2211 | complete
lashen | 333 | complete
reconcile with table 1 and the table 2 based on the Name and the EMP No after reconcile the expected output matched in table 1
Name | EMP No | task
bala | 2323 | RE Project
bala | 2323 | FF Project
Guna | 2211 | ka project
expected output unmatched in table 2
Name | EMP No | task
bala | 2323 | LM project
Sainthi | 3221 | LL Project
We can implement such a task with the help of a stack concept. Let us reformulate the requirement, so you can check if we had correctly understood your case
dt1 and dt2 will be compared on Name & EMP no
when a dt1 row is NOT found in dt2 → add to unmatched set
when a dt1 row is found in dt2 → add to matched set
when more matching dt1 rows are present as present in dt2 - set the those rows to unmatched set
dt2FilterResult =
(From d In dt2.AsEnumerable
Where d(0).toString.Trim.Equals(grp.First()(0).toString.Trim)
Where d(1).toString.Trim.Equals(grp.First()(1).toString.Trim)
Select r = d).toList
MatchingRows =
UnmatchingRows =
We deliberately chose a hybrid approach (LINQ, essential) so that the partial results can be traced and inspected (debugging panels). We would not be able to achieve this with invoke code blackboxing