Reconcile the duplication with uniq table

kindly let me know is there any way or LINQ code available, i can reconcile the two different table to fine match and unmatched
example table 1
|Name |age|

example table 2

after reconcile with both table’s name column expected output of table one matched result

only one name was matched even that was duplicated. other one was to come in unmatched results like
|name |age|

is there any way to make this possible normally i tried with LINQ and join table but its matching both duplicated name so most of the time its really hard to reconcile the duplicated values

Hi @yatharthan_riox ,

Welcome to UiPath Form :slight_smile:

(From p in dt.Select() where( From q in dt1.Select() where q("Name").Equals(p("name")) Select q).ToArray.Count>1 Select p).ToArray.CopyToDataTable()

(From p in dt.Select() where( From q in dt1.Select() where q("Name").Equals(p("name")) Select q).ToArray.Count=0 Select p).ToArray.CopyToDataTable()


Hi arivu

thank your response

i tried with your suggestion but the problem was still exist kindly refer below image i think it will give you better understanding of my problem

Here is the Solution,

Main Table:

Input Table:
Input Table

Expected Output:

LinQ for Matched:
From row In dt_MainInput
Join main In dt_InputTable
On row(“Name”).ToString.Trim Equals main(“Name”).ToString.Trim
Select row
).CopyTODataTable().AsEnumerable().DistinctBy(Function(x) x(“Name”).ToString.Trim).CopyToDataTable

LinQ for UnMatched Data:

Thank you,
If you have any queries then let me know.

Happy Automation :slight_smile:

thanks for the solution ,

if comparing with 2 columns how its comes ??

example - from table 1 columns - name and DOB , from table2 name and DOB

From row In dt_MainInput
Join main In dt_InputTable
On row(“Name”).ToString.Trim Equals main(“Name”).ToString.Trim And row(“DOB”).ToString.Trim Equals main(“DOB”).ToString.Trim
Select row
).CopyTODataTable().AsEnumerable().DistinctBy(Function(x) x(“Name”).ToString.Trim).CopyToDataTable

LinQ for UnMatched Data:

You just have to add “And” then further condition as mentioned above…!(Matched Output LinQ)

thanks again ajay,

i faced another problem, like per your example your main_table containing 3 records of “bala” and input_table containing one “bala”

what if the input_table containing 2 no of records for “bala” in that case your solution only identifying the one record.

particularly for this is there any solution??