Recognize Image if exist

Hi guys,

I am making a comparison and price of products with uipath.

In the case of a product, I am driving inside error catcher (try catch) I try to capture the related image and that is why it falls, I tried to validate with Get Text but I can’t find it


Hello, welcome to the community !

Please clarify you issue, so that we can help you !

I am making price comparison of products with uipath.

In the case of a product, I am try catch price. I try to capture the related image , when image not exist, this fail, i tried make for conditional with activite get Text but is equal.

sorry, i tried edit my post

I am making price comparison of products with uipath.

In the case of a product, I am try catch price. I try to capture the related image , when image not exist, this fail, i tried make for conditional with activite get Text but is equal.

add image

Hi @mchavez_pe,

You can use Image Exist activity by indicating the image you’re looking for.
It’s output var is Boolean (bool1)so, You can use that var in If activity with condition —> bool1.ToString.Eqauls(“true”)
And put further sequence (extracting price) in Then section.

By this if bot recognise input image then only it’ll perform futher process Else leave.

i search a product and the result is a grid products similarly

Hi, Samir
I tried with the activity, but it does not recognize, return False .
i can let my file here?