Read table values row wise form email body

Hi guys,

Need help in below scenario.

Received table in mail body pick values row wise and enter values into web application.

refer below Image.

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Check this -

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If you are getting it in a html formatted mail, then you can do the following steps to extract data without issues.

  1. Open the Email and save that as .mhtml format.
  2. Then open that .mhtml file using any browser which is compatible for your process.
  3. Then do web data scraping of that table from the web page, so now you will get the data as a datatable without parsing the html body.
  4. Now you can feed the data into the webpage.

You also can try with html body parsing process, but you need to handle null values with this step, sometime if the table cell does not contains values then you have to check and make that.

If you have any questions please let me know.



Use unvoke VB Code and follow the link : How to read table pasted in outlook message body using vba? - Stack Overflow to read table in outlook.

Easy and fast

Cheers & Thanks

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Thanks @KarthikByggari

I have downloaded


please guide how to use it now ?

What is the data type of check variable?

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Hey @sarathi125

is there any other way like reading column name in data table loop. ??

because save html file, open file,read that file instead better to get excel file from client.

so, I am thinking if it is possible to simple read data column name in same loop fill into web application.

is it possible ?



data table array

I didn’t get this buddy kindly come again
Cheers @prashantP

in HTML Text field in the properties type this : ‘item.Headers(“HTMLBody”).ToString’, please type it as copy paste didn’t work for me. That should be it, once the activity works you will get all the tables inside that mail as separate excel files.
this is where you will get to know how many tables are there in foreground & background for that mail. If there are unwanted tables in the background which are getting extracted you need to correct the template of email from the sender of it. And if that is done you will have your desired table from email body as an excel file with which you can play further.

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Hi @Palaniyappan

I am working on POC to one of our client.
Using data table loop(excel) we can easily enter data into web application with same loop.

below is reference file.

instead of doing this → Read table values row wise form email body - #3 by sarathi125

is it possible to read body content similar to entering data from excel file ?

Let’s say Loop [ store first value 101 second 000041, next to enter copied value in web application ] next it will start reading from second row.

something like this.!

Hope you understand.!:slightly_smiling_face:

hey thanks @S_Srobot

now what I need to do to assign that values and how to loop it ?


then you need to iterate row by row or cell by cell the way it is done normally with excel, inside excel scope add read range/cell activity and then take for each row iterate it using a counter if needed and assign the values to variable.

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Regarding my last previous topic as I mentioned below

I am trying to execute this process from robot tray(from studio robot and attended robot) but it fails to save attachments and getting below message

and below process I have done for download attachments

Please suggest ASAP. I have to give demo today with client.




waiting for response.
kindly suggest.


Kindly in run debug mode once like which activity is throwing this error
Cheers @prashantP

by doing debug now it is working on Development Robot but not from attended robot.getting Time out error .

Please suggest


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Like at which activity we are getting timeout
If it’s from get outlook mail activity
Kindly ensure once whether outlook is configured to your machines or not
Cheers @prashantP


getting below error after entering user id before enter password
i have used get password activity and passed variable to type into activity