Read Row: Could not read the row starting with cell A3

Hi All,

Read row activity throws below error, what would be the cause for this?

Read Row: Could not read the row starting with cell A3.

UiPath.system.acitivites= 24.3.1
UiPath version = 2022.10.8

Thanks in advance

Hi @Ajith3

  • Ensure that the row starting from cell A3 does not contain any empty or merged cells. it might cause an error.

Gowtham K

Hi @Gowtham_K115 ,

A3 has value and does not merged, but still throwing error


User Read Range activity and give Range as A3.
If your data going to start from 3rd row then just uncheck the Add Headers property.

Then wherever required you can get the datatable.Rows(0) as the third row.

Hi @Ajith3 ,
Try using “Read Range Workbook” activity and uncheck the “Add header” property. Also, set range as “A3”, it should work.


Hi @Anjani_Kapoor,

The code was written already using Excel activity and it requires lots of modification to implement using Workbook activities, so is there any chance to overcome this problem?

Read Row: Could not read the row starting with cell A3.


What’s the error you are getting for Read Row.

Hope you passed the StartingCell and SheetName correctly.

Hi @ashokkarale ,

The robot will had 2 new columns in input file while processing and save the status accordingly.

For testing purpose, i took input file which bot has already added two columns, in this scenario i got the error.

After deleting the 2 columns in input file, it worked well.

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