Excel Sheet read cell doubt

I having excel sheet name -country and in this.country excel sheet my headers are start in 10 row only.

My doubt is instead of using A,B,C , as Coulmn name , for read cell how to use header original name for read cell


Use Read Range activity and give range as A10 as below


So this will start reading the data from A10 cell

Hope this may help you


The thing is i know read range , i need read cell activity to read specific Coulmn name like name , I’d , date of birth like , instead of reading as a A10


As you need to use Read Cell activity, then you need to specify the Cell Address for sure to get the value

But you can use Read Range activity and enable the first row as Headers, so that you can declare a datatable variable and after that you can use an array variable of String let’s say arrColumns = yourDatatable.Columns

which will store in the array variable. from there you can build your logic

Hope this may help you


In excel sheet my header is started from 7 th row only how to set 7 th row as a header


So, you can set your Read range activity as “A7” in Range and then make sure that in Properties you have enabled the AddHeaders

When you enable Add Headers then the first row of the Datatable will be considered as Headers

Hope this may help you


You should do all the free training on the UiPath Academy web page. It covers these very basic things.

Thank you so much @Srini84


No issues, if that works for you and resolved your issue,
then mark as solution to an appropriate post, so that others will benefited


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@Srini84 one more doubt in read cell activity - inside specified the particular range like read A1 value like we can possible to put instead of A1 for actual Coulmn header name+5.tostring


This thread is solved, so I suggest to open one more post, so that others can also see and try to resolve your doubt


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