Hi everyone, I am using “Read PDF with OCR” to read a scanned PDF. But as a result the activity is only reading first page of PDF file. Do have to change any elements to read entire PDF.
@ash_kettchup, Hope you followed this ,
Range - Should be either “All” or empty to read the entire pdf.
Many more references from forum…
Your suggestions helped me, thank you.
But in my scope of work i need to extract data from different PDF files.
issue i am facing is:
Some PDF files output is good with native scraping and others require to use OCR. Is there any way that i can build a LOGIC that, BOT has to take any PDF in folder as input and decide the better way of reading it(native or OCR) by its self.
@ash_kettchup, May we know on what basis your classfication of good/not good is based ?
Like scenario wise,
- Readable pdf - good
- Scanned pdf - not good
BTW is there any chance of getting to know the pdf type ? (Based on filename or something else). If its so we shall make it accordingly.
Thank you @Dominic, There are readable and as well as Scanned pdf’s.
-There is no change of knowing pdf type until and unless we open it.
Hi! I am trying to do a bot to identify which pdf type it is, and I do notice that if I open a scanned pdf file and click, it will be highlighted. Is there a way to create an IF statement with this singularity?