Read Multiple Excel Cell in UiPath

Hi All,

Can we read Multiple cells from Excel at one go in UiPath ? Or read only few rows of a Column ?
If so how do we do that ?

Any suggestions ?


Both are not possible with one single activity …

1.use read range and get whatever you want
2. Use read range with specific range A20:M20 like this…this reads only 20 row
3. Use read row
4. Use read cell with each cell number

Hope this helps


Hi @Abc_Xyz1

To read only few rows of a column in UiPath, you can use the “Read Column” activity along with the “For Each” loop. Here’s an example of how you can do it:

  1. Use the “Excel Application Scope” activity to open the Excel file.
  2. Inside the scope, use the “Read Column” activity to read the desired column. Specify the input range for the column you want to read, such as “A1:A10”, which would read values from cells A1 to A10 in the specified Excel sheet.
  3. Store the output of the “Read Column” activity in a variable, e.g., columnData.
  4. Drag and drop a “For Each” loop activity and set the TypeArgument to String or the appropriate data type of the column you are reading.
  5. In the “For Each” loop, set the “Values” property to columnData variable, which contains the values of the column.
  6. Inside the loop, you can access each cell value of the column using the loop variable, e.g., item or any variable name you defined, and perform the desired actions.
