Activity to read multiple excel columns and write it to a application


I am very new to UiPath and trying to build a solution that reads an excel file, goes through the values in multiple columns and updates a website/application based on the values. Please note that there are multiple rows and after we finish updating values in the application/website from that row we need to mark it complete.

Example of excel workbook.
Short Name FullName Country
ABC AlphaBetaCAll India
XYZ XynoZ China

Example of application:

My biggest challenge is to figure out how to read multiple columns and then go to the next row. Also once I have completed updating the values from the row, I would like to create a new column and fill it with value, “Complete”



  1. Read Range- Store your Excel data into DataTable
  2. Add Data Column- Add a column in the dataTable
  3. For Each Row in DataTable- Iterate for each record in DataTable and do your activity in Application/Website.
  4. Update the column Values as “Completed” inside For Each Row in DataTable once done.



You can use for each row in excel directly without reading or use read range ti read the data into datatable and then use for each row in datatable activity

Inside the loop use currentRow("ColumnName").ToString can be used to get the each rows data based on the column name


Hope This will help you to understand on how to use read range and iterate through each rows and columns

Cheers @abhishek.singh4

Hi @Palaniyappan, your video only talks about reading from one column, I am to read from multiple column at once and then write all the values from those column in application/website.

In your example your reading only one column and scrapping web to fill in the other two columns, which is great but it does not solve my problem of how to read multiple columns at once.

Do you know a way to read multiple columns at once and then write the values of those columns in a website/application.


Hi @devasyasingh I am able to read column headers but not sure how to read values from these columns and update the application.

Please see the screenshot for the work done so far.


Hi @Anil_G I am able to read column headers but not sure how to read values from these columns and update the application.

Please see the screenshot for the work done so far.


@abhishek.singh4 Please find a sample process.

Let me know if you face any further issues. (8.7 KB)


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