Read Excel Cell and find all Emloyees name

Hi Everyone, I am currently working on a project where I need to process a large excel file (timesheets) of all employees in the department. The file corresponds to different information that keeps changing. I would like to automate this timesheet. By using UiPath to filter by the employee names and then entering them with other important columns into another excel spreadsheet.

After my research I did not find anything, because always the name was defined by the employees.

Is there a possibility that UiPath recognizes the name itself by similarity characteristics?

Many thanks in advance

you want to filter the employee details by specific input ?

In the time sheet all employees are listed with individual activities. This means that an employee has about 15 entries in the Excel list, these are not sorted by order.
I wanted to automate the process so that Uipath transfers the information from the employees into a new sheet.

I hope you understand me

Hi @Rashin

Can you help us out with a sample input and respective output


I have put in an example recording. The list could look like this (in original it is about 300 cells).


And this is how the output should look

Hi @Rashin

Try this xaml and see if it works for you

FillAllEmployeeName.xaml (14.8 KB)