Hi Everyone,
How can I read all data from PDF and paste it into 1 single column in excel table?
Here is example of PDF and desired output.
DesiredOutput.zip (3.5 MB)
Hi Everyone,
How can I read all data from PDF and paste it into 1 single column in excel table?
Here is example of PDF and desired output.
DesiredOutput.zip (3.5 MB)
Hi @Md_Hidayat
First you have to install UiPath.PDF.Activities package
then read your pdf with read pdf text activity and store the output variable like Str
Drag and drop the matches activity and choose dropdown as Advanced and paste the regex **([\w\W]+(?=\n))**in value tab
create a output variable for matches activity like RegEx_Out
enter input string as read pdf text activity output variable
Build a datatable for output excel and create one column using build data table activity
and create a outpiut variable as Out_DT
use for each activity to iterate each line of pdf text and pass matches activity output in In Tab
Drag and drop the add data row activity inside the for each activity
and pass array row value as {item.ToString},datatable as Out_DT
use write range activity outside of the for each activity to print write the output and pass Out_DT variable
Thats it
Hope it solves your issue
update us whether you got your desired answer or not
Hi Robin,
Thanks for the quick assistance!
However the output is incorrectly processed.
Instead of each new line in a new row, Out_DT write range all data in A1, 1 single cell.
Output.xlsx (21.6 KB)
Can you replace regex as .*(?=\n)
and try again
Hi @Robinnavinraj_S ,
There’s some output now!
Is there a way to remove the line break or trim the whitespace?
Output.xlsx (26.0 KB)
Hi @Md_Hidayat
Use if activity to avoid line break
Ex item.ToString=“”
leave the then block as empty
and add the add data row activity in else block
use trim method to remove whitespaces Ex:Item.ToString.Trim
Hope it solves your issue
Thank you so much @Robinnavinraj_S!
The feedback provided solves it.
Your welcome
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