Read a config file

Hi all , i want to read a image path from config , for the activity of hand written signature . how should i pass the image path for this? once the image text got extracted i want to take out the particular string value say for eg "

" by using string comparison.
for this string extraction again i want to use config file as input.

eg . in config file i create recommended value as a name for this user want to pass value like
front and rear brake cables/ new set of pedal arms/ labor 3hrs like this

if i pass values like labor 3hrs that string alone i want to extract where i holed string value of handwritten text.

how should i implement expecting hands to help out :slight_smile:


@ Lahiru.Fernando @ badita can you help me out
guys am idle to work on this :frowning:

Hi @naveen19

Extract the image with the help of Get AbbyOCR

Use in_Config(“Description”).ToString

Ashwin S

@AshwinS2 thank you for your quick responce.
used like string2=str1.equals(in_config(“Description”)).tostring
then printing string2
but no output for this :frowning:
and am not using AbbyOCR by Microsoft vision extracted the image.

hi @naveen19

What is there in String1
and check the in_config(“Description”).ToString

Ashwin S

String 1 value is which I have extracted image content from Microsoft vision