RE Framework if value does not match then directly move to the next Queue Item

(Using RE Framework) I have a queue Item and I am checking the value , if the value matches then next flow should execute and if value didn’t match then it should terminate that Queue item execute and go to next Queue item.

Any help appreciated.

You can apply login in the process state.

You can direclty use an if conditionin the process transaction. If the element from Queue equal to the value, then if condition should work, else use a Log activity and print “Value not equal to queue item”… Then it will go the get transaction and fetch the next queue item.

Its totally based on how you are writing the flow in process transaction stage.

in the first step of “process” state / process.xaml, check if value match

if not match, throw businessRuleException, this will cause flow to go to next queue item (due to how REFramework works)

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