In REFramework, when I am working with queues, get transaction item puts queue status to progress. But if for some error the bot stopped, in the next run the same queue item is not picked up because the item status changed to progress. How do I deal with this?
In reframework, you need to configure the âSetTransactionStatus.xamlâ which will be called in your process state of main.xaml in such a way that for exceptions that cause the workflow to stop you can update the status of the failed transaction item to Failed using Set Transaction state activity.
Once you update the status of the failed transaction item bot will shoule be able to retry the item based one queue retry or the one you have configured in config file.
Try going through the retry mechanism of reframework to get a better understanding of this.
Let me know if you have any questions on the same.
REFramework donât have control over execution stopped manually. It can handle only exceptions like system exception, business exception.
If System Exception occurs it has mechanism to set the transaction status to Failed and if Queue is created with Auto Retry enabled, new transaction item will get attended to queue automatically.