Queue, You are not authorized Error Code: 0:

Hi everybody… need some help for this issue.

When I try to use a activity about queues I have an error that say: "You are not Authorised! Error code: 0

I dont know why, the queue exist in orchestrator and robot is licensed and exist too in orchestrator.

any idea? thanks in advance.

hello @Javier_Flores

in orchestrator check the robot id has permission (role) to edit queues or not.

if edit permission is enabled for robot then it can be access the queues and add value


thanks a lot @Ajju , but I give to robot role all permisions about queues in order to avoid the issue but nothing change.


is robot ID mentioned in users, if yes what is the role?
it should be robot.
image image

and also make sure that your using the same ID which is mentioned under Users Tab to access the queues


Hi I got the same issue tho I try to assign the Permission of Queue and Transaction(It’s been set to the last one in the menu so it got easy to miss) for this role and it been fixed

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@Javier_Flores @Dex_Lee @Ajju


In Orch, check the folder you are using has the relevant permissions.

Click on Tenant=> Folders => Your_Folder
Then check the relevant user has the right permissions to add a Queue item / whatever you need.

Hopefully this helps you and other users in the future.



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