I need to include a list type variable (installationList) inside a dictionary (parameterDic) and then upload this parameterDic in a queue, with Add queue item. Can somebody help me?
Queue does not support that. But alternately what you can do is to convert your list and dictionary using unique separators and then upload string to queue and when retreived again using those delimiters create you variables
eg: L1 =[1,2,3] and Dict{“L1”:[1,2,3]" then you can do something like this
Use loop to loop through all the keys in dict(item will be the key)
inside assign str = str + “|||” + item + “:::” + String.Join(“,”,dict(item))
comma is your list separator, ||| is your each dict item separator and ::: is your dictionary key value pair separator
we assume that parameterDict is to store at SpecificContent.
In such case we can often
- serialize the dictionary to a JSON string
- deserialize it later again back to the dictionary
Thank you did this work:
Dic(“installationList”)= JsonConvert.SerializeObject(installationList)
And then
Add queue item
Thank you
Serialize: JsonConvert.SerializeObject(installationList)
Then use the string and add it to the queueitem specificContent
Add Queue Item
Afterwards we deserialize:
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String)))(“YourJSONString”)
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