Hi Experts ,
Hope everyone is doing well, I am looking through advanced features in Invoke workflow file activity, as i am able to understand some properties we rarely used, but could not understand the usage of some of them , need your help in understanding those, may i need simple explaination that would help to understand
General Overview of problem
- I have workflow Calculate_Sum.xaml which accepts two numbers and add those and return output as sum from the workflow as shown below
Now the workflow is invoked in Main.xaml using invoke workflow file activity
Instead of passing arguments via Arguments button in invoke workflow activity, i tried to pass it via ArgumentsVariable property as shown below
As you could see I am able to pass the In Arguments to workflow via this, but can’t specify out_Arguments here, is it a limitation or we can pass the out Argument via this property as well ?- But one thing i observed is when using this property , i could not use ArgumentsVariable property, So just want to check whether we can really specify the out Argument here or not ?
- Now coming to isolated property in invoke workflow file, what is its exact usage? As i could see from UiPath Documentation, i see its written like this -
It finally says it helps to seperate faulty workflow from main, i did not understand what does it really mean, does it really act like continue on error ?
I have went through some forum questions regarding same - but i still did not understand due to explaining it in complicated way, I may need a simple explanation to understand this.
- Ok Now coming to Target Session property in Invoked Workflow, What is difference b/w Main and current session ? - also i have explored documentation of UiPath regarding this but still could really get the point of what this Target session really is ?
Thanks in Advance !