Question about - Level 3 , 1st assignment - Calculate Client Security Hash

I am working on this assignment. I followed the instruction from the “Walkthrough - Calculte Client Security” page 9 and last point “Open the Main workflow and expand the Init state by double clicking it…”

According to the instruction, “Add a new sequence after the Invoke KillAllProcesses activity to read the input transactions data table.”

I cannot locate KillAllProcesses activity within the “Init State”. I am using this RF framework template (GitHub - UiPath/ReFrameWork: Robotic Enterprise Framework Template).

Am I using a wrong version of the RF framework?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @Benny_Chan,
Here it is:

You need to expand all using upper right corner option.


Thanks @Pablito for your prompt action. I did not read every single node and I keep thinking killAllProcess should be sitting before “InitiAllApplications” workflow and therefore I overlook of it. :sweat_smile:

Thanks again!!

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