Query Row Excel - Consulta Fila de Excel

How can I make my automation execute only from element 0 of my Excel row to the first 6 elements, stop, and then when executing it again, it starts from position 7 and continues until 13? And so on, then from 14 to 20.

I attach an example of the excel file so that it is better understood

¿Cómo puedo hacer que mi automatización se ejecute solo desde el elemento 0 de mi fila de Excel hasta los primeros 6 elementos, se detenga y luego, al ejecutarla nuevamente, comienza desde la posición 7 y continúa hasta la 13? Y así sucesivamente, luego de la posicion 14 a la 20.

adjunto ejemplo del archivo excel para que se entienda mejor

Hello @Atejera

If possible can you share the Excel File along with the same data in it as shown in your screenshot?

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

You can read the file using a combination of Column alphabet and a counter.

It that is in one process you can loop it till the dt.rows.count


Counter = 7

In range of Read Range:

“C” + (Counter - 7).toString “:C” + Counter. toString
counter + 7

I share what you requested! Thank you!

Productos Tienda La Serenisima.xlsx (14.2 KB)

Would it be a lot of trouble if you share your answer with me capturing the UiPath code, to finish understanding better? Thank you all in advance for your prompt responses!


Check as below

First use Read Range activity to read the excel into Datatable, Let’s say DT1
Create an extra column in Excel as Status

Now use Assign as DT1 = DT1.AsEnumerable.Take(6).CopyToDataTable

This will take the first 6 rows of the Datatable

Use For Each Row activity and inside define your steps
After your steps place Assign activity and write as DT1(“Status”) = “Completed”

Hope this may help you


This shows the logic I mentioned, appreciate it if you try it and tweak as per your understanding and requirements.

Column in batches.zip (14.7 KB)

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Hello @Atejera

Here you go

Below is the output screenshot:-

You can see the last “K” Column values which show the execution No for every 7 rows.

Below is the .xaml file for the same.
Main.xaml (41.5 KB)

Mark as a solution and like it if this helps you :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

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