Query on how to pass or write sql query inside config file

Hi All, i am trying to pass an sql query within get outlook mail message activities. The problem is that it is working fine when i am running it with the workflow.however when i try to pass it theough config file where i need to save it it is not reading all data. The query had to read email of last 7 days and access it…the filter used was : “@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived>='” +DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7).ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)+ “'AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like ‘%XYZ%’) AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like ‘%MNZ%’)” . However i cant pass this as it is in config file because it is giving error as cannot parse condition. Tried with a single quote in config ’ it is not reading any message of previous days…

Can you please replace " with “”“” (4 of them) and let me know

Hey @Abhi_G_G

Use below mentioned Query:

Directly into the filter:

String.Format("@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived>='{0}' AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%XYZ%') AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%MNZ%')",DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"))


Store Below mentioned in the Config:

@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived>='{0}' AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%XYZ%') AND (urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%MNZ%')

Note: Without any Quotes as it is!

And in Filter put below mentioned query:


Note: In above query Config is the Config Variable, Replace “YourKeyName” with the actual Key.

You will definitely get the output!
Ajay Mishra

Is there a possibility of triming or removing first and last characters while it reads the config file

Yeah Abhi, just add .Trim in the assign activity in InitSettings


Hey your query got resolved?

Ajay Mishra

@Ajay Mishra, tried it but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work. May i know in tjis instance what wss the keyword you were referring to.

@Abhi_G_G Tell me your finalise code which you are using? A screenshot or syntax will be appreciated!

Ajay Mishra