Query on Email automation

In gmail automation, I cant find the less secure app option in my email .How to fix that issue.Before starting the email automation,the less secure app option should be off in our mail,so in my gmail,that option is not showing.How to fix that?

Have a view on it for insights

Have this also enabled

Cheers @anjani_priya

I cant find app passwords in security.Can you send the screenshot please.

i got to see this
since may 2022, Google has removed the “Allow less secure apps” option in Gmail. This means that you can no longer use Gmail with apps or devices that do not use OAuth 2.0, a more secure authentication method.

I havent tried this
but would recommend to have a view on this

let me know if you are facing any issue


In the above mentioned link, the password will be generated and we have to assign that password to the get password activity in UiPath.Same thing I

have done but iam getting error.

My 2-step verification is in on mode.But same error iam getting.


Please check this on how to generate password

  1. go to https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords
  2. Then select mail and other and click generate


Here only I have generated password and I assigned that password in get password activity in UiPath but iam getting same error.


In which activity are you using it?

from the name I see get password…ca you tell what it is


Get password activity


Can you please try to use the password directly in get imap activities please instead of using get password again

As per error it is not going past the get password itself…


I have done but its not working


Can you please show the porperties of your get imap mail messages activity please

Also did you try with gmail activities?


Can you please send the code for reading the email?