PurchasedOrder endpoint URL for machine learning extractor

Above Cross button is just to indicate we are not using gpu, there is horizontal scroll there, did you tried to scroll to the right end.

sorry, I will delete and again I will create new one

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Also while deploying use the trained version, (use, in the screenshot I can see you are deploying on which is the base version)

I first deployed the skill using, then after the pipeline was successful, I updated the version for skil. again I try to deploy the new skill using

is it there any settings at orchestrator end?

Sorry I didnt get your question well, you have to create the skill only once the train pipeline is completed with the trained version (here with, no need to create on base version

I deleted the skill and again I deploying the new skill, but it is in deploying stage since 20 minutes

before pipeline, I created based version skill, after success pipeline I updated the verion from to

Don’t need to do that, you can create skill once training is completed.

ok, after success of pipeline, need to create the skill right?, I will try

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Thank you Anas, issue has been resolved.

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