Hi All,
I am currently working on a project where we are attempting to connect to Cloud based devices through the Mobile Device Manager. I have tested the solution on a local laptop with no firewall restrictions and I am able to connect to devices fine.
The issue arises when we run this on our secure production servers where there is a Proxy in place for all internet traffic. When installing UiPath on our production environment we have ensured that the proxy.config file had the appropriate settings with :
proxyaddress=" our.proxy.server:0000" (as an example) being set to our designated proxy server address as well as the port we wish to use.
We have done a network trace with Microsoft and these are the findings :
We found that UiPath Studio itself can use the proxy with no issues and goes through our nominated port and to the internet. The Studio service which does this is UiPath.Service.UserHost.exe (Parent UiPathStudio process )
When Mobile Device Manager attempts to connect to a Cloud Device there is a separate service which is spun up which tries to connect to the internet directly without acknowledging the proxy settings. This service is called UiPath.MobileAutomation.DeviceInteraction.exe.
Please let me know if anyone has faced a similar issue or has a suggestion debug and resolve this problem.
Thanks in advance,