Project is incompatible with StudioX profile


I have a desktop automation that was built in StudioX (version 2021.10.7) and shared with me in a zip file.

After downloading and unzipping the project package and attempting to open the Main.xaml file in StudioX I am greeted with following error:

Cannot open item: UiPath.Studio.Contracts.RecoverableException: The project ‘C:\Users\bkwil001\Downloads\Invoice Reprint\project.json’ could not be opened: Project is incompatible with StudioX profile. You can open it in Studio and fix the errors.
Missing namespaces: clr-namespace:UiPath.Activities.System.Binding;assembly=UiPath.System.Activities

at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase3.OnOpenAsync(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.ProjectServiceBase.OnOpenAsync(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options) at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.ProjectServiceBase.OnOpenAsync(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase3.OpenAsync(OpenInformation openInfo) at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.OpenCloseCommandsService.OpenProjectAsync(OpenInformation openInfo, IProject newProject) at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.OpenCloseCommandsService.OpenProjectAsync(OpenInformation openInfo) at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.OpenCloseCommandsService.OpenFileExecuteAsync(String initialDirectory, IOpenOptions options) at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass241_0.<<OpenAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.StartPageViewModel.ExecuteCommand(Func1 commandExecute)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel.OpenAsync(Object argument), HResult -2146233088

I opened project file in Studio (as directed by the error log) and attempted the following troubleshooting steps below. None resolved the error:

  1. Removed the namespace noted in the error
  2. Removed all unused dependencies
  3. Removed all unused imports
  4. Updated the UiPath.Activities.System package setting to “Lowest Applicable”

Rename the project.json file to project_json.old and then open the XAML in Studio. It’ll recreate the project.json file, although some things could be missing like packages, version info, etc.

But at least you’ll be able to open it and deal with the rest.

Hi @bailee.m.kwilinski ,

Apologies for the radio silence here - another thing that may help with troubleshooting this kind of thing is making sure that the StudioX project still has a Single Excel Process Scope as the main sequence as this also causes a similar error.

Were you able to resolve this in the end?
