Project files clean up

Hi Fellow UiPather,

Has anyone given thoughts about cleaning up the project folder when it is delivered to customers?

In one of the recent project, a client requests to have a cleaned up folder with only .xaml files that relevant to the project.

And so I have to go back to the “Mail.xaml” and check all the invoked files one by one.

So, question here is that is there a simpler way that we can find all the invoked files from “Mail.xaml”, also the other files invoked by those files?

For instance (arrow means invoking):
Mail → File 1 → File 2 → File 3

Can we get these relationships easily?


Hi @hellitonwoo

This is a feature that should arrive to Studio at some point. Stay tuned :slight_smile:

I hope that until then other users will share their tactics to clean up the folder. It is probably possible to build a Go! component that would take care of it (by parsing the xaml files).

Maybe someone can take it on. You can even use the Project space of our [UiConnect!] ( platform to collaborate :slight_smile: