I am trying to complete Level 3 assignment no 2 Generate Yearly Report - Dispatcher .
i am not getting any error but this line that Process finished due to no more transaction data. i am also attaching screenshot.
i am GETTING THE SAME error. any help ?
Hi , I got “Process finished due to no more transaction data” in Generate yearly report assignment.Can anyone please help me
I have attached Main.xaml Main.xaml (55.8 KB) and GetTransactionData.xaml (14.6 KB)
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Still am unable to solve this issue. please help me to solve this.
Hello Hassan_Raza,
sorry for the late reply.
I guess , after “element exist” its directly executing else part.
so that might be a reason its throwing information showing “process finished due to no more transaction data”
Try to switch content as shown in below screen shot.Let me know if it works.
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