Problems with installing MODI on VDI

Good afternoon,

A built automation for a client I am currently working on is utilizing Microsoft OCR as the engine to do our text scraping. We are running this process on the client’s machine on a VDI. My lead engineer and I have had no issues regarding this but it appears it’s only problematic on the client’s machine.

We are running into an error. We require the users of our automations to utilize Microsoft OCR to detect text on the pages we are pulling information from (ImageRight)

An error we are running into on UiPath is seen below to confirm this:

System.Exception: Error performing OCR: Unable to initialize Microsoft engine MicrosoftErrorCreateEngine —> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Unable to initialize Microsoft engine MicrosoftErrorCreateEngine

We need to be able to run Microsoft OCR to detect the text. We need to download the following MODI (Microsoft Office Document Imaging). Modi features allow the text scraping.

However, when we had the user download this, we initially ran into issues where it was not able to install properly, we reached out to IT and they were over to add administrative rights to download… after downloading onto the VDI machine for our user, it is still returning the same UiPath error as displayed before. We used Tessaract OCR as an alternative but it would not pull all the text correctly. We would really like to be able to resolve using Microsoft OCR as we’ve had the best luck with this.

Thanks in advance,
Alicia Jeffers

Hey @ajeffers,

Please share your event log from VM.

  1. Go to event viewer.
  2. Click on windows log.
  3. Click on Application
  4. Filter current log by Event for UiPath and Orchestrator.
  5. Export logs.

Make sure you run your OCR activity before exporting logs, it will be easier to debug this issue from event logs.