Problem with Data table formating from text to number


How can I convert text columns into number


I’m using this macro for formating column E

Sub macro()

With Selection
.NumberFormat = “#,###0.00”
.Value = .Value
End With

end sub

and it is formated well, but just after clicking excel cell.
How can I force data table to format text data to number when writing to excel?


check the thread

Hi @okalinic

Can you try with Format Cells activity


May not work for all use cases, but have you tried creating a pre-formatted spreadsheet and using it as a template?

Said that, I think the solution provided by @lrtetala is also a good choice.

I’ve tryed, but not working…Format is OK only after I click excel cell and it’s still showing “Number sored as Text” message…

Not possible as I am using dinamic creating of Excel files…

I’ve tryed this suggestion too, but it doesn’t work either… Formating is visible only after clicking excel cells…