Problem in installing packages

For the Official package source use the url.

It this didn’t help, check the below:

· Go to Control Panel → Programs → Apps and Features → Uninstall the UiPath Platform Installer (if exists) and UiPath Studio

After the UiPath Studio/Robot uninstallation, delete the below folders if exists:

· The settings in the folders %PROGRAMDATA%\UiPath, %LOCALAPPDATA%\UiPath, and %APPDATA%\UiPath
· The packages folder %USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages
· The NuGet cache folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\NuGet\v3-cache
· The Assistant processes folder in the Windows Start menu %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\UiPath Assistant Automations and %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\UiPath Assistant Processes
· The content from the %temp% folder
Install again the UiPath Studio/Robot using this installer

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