Power BI automation - is it possible


Can we use UiPath to automate power BI application to get data and charts at the same time in this visualisation tool.

Is it necessary to use RPA or do power BI itself has its own API automation


That was a strange question @Prafull_B, We have the drop down of how to get the data, then we need to select the source and then load the data into power BI into the Data tabb. If we need any measures and columns, we need to edit query or else, if we want to visualize, we need to click on Report or for establishing the relations we need to navigate to Model .

This all things you can do if it is same everytime , but I don’t understand what you mean by get data and charts at the same time :slight_smile:

Once we select the data source, the data will be loaded to the data tab and if we want to visualize, we need to navigate to another.

Please explain what are you trying to automate in power BI?


@HareeshMR once we have visualisation done in powerBi then we need to export the charts (pie chart and line chart) as well as data to excel.

This feature is not available in Power BI so we need to do using RPA

i hope i was clear now

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hey @Prafull_B as far as I know, power BI has this function by default. check this link: Guide: Power BI 101 - Helpshift Knowledge Base Helpshift Knowledge Base

but sure you can use a robot to do it manually. Anyways, if your goal is to have it in excel, you may build your bot to collect data and create it directly in excel.


@Artur_Bueno yes i am still puzzled how to build that automation using Uipath
any help on that would be appreciated.

Yes i checked the link but no extra info about exporting visuals to excel instead power bi can only export data to csv but nothing we can do with exporting visuals/charts to excel as i learned.

That we can’t do I hope @Prafull_B. Instead we can do visualisations in excel itself directly with some hot keys and clicks. Try that. I haven’t tried it

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You can do it by using Excel activities. There are other packages that may help you, such as:

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What I am trying to achieve is getting the same structured data which is built in PowerBi

These structured data I need to export in xcel in such a way that all its formatting should be same as in PowerBi

yes excel activities are there but it seems not to be optimized
so I am looking for much for quicker,reliable and efficient way.


For that you can build a dataTable and manipulate it internally

Hi @Prafull_B,

I can assist you with this… I am also did some kind of stuff that you are trying to do. Leave a DM, We can discuss this.

Thanks and Regards,
Ranjith Udayakumar

Hi @ranjith_udayakumar,

I am trying to Open PowerBI Project using Start Process.But I am not able to Open it is showing system not found the specified file .Could you Please guide me on the same and also If Power Bi desktop is downloaded from App Store I am not getting exe file too in that scenario how can we open PowerBI Project

Thanks in advance
Sharmila Sundar

@SharmilaSundar @ranjith_udayakumar
Hello Guys,
I need to work on power BI desktop automation with UiPath. Is it possible to open Power Bi desktop app with UiPath activities?

Hi @yogesh.sharma, it is possible. You can Start Process activity then Attach Power BI Window to interact with Power BI.


Following this official doc for more information Start Process (uipath.com)

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Dear Guys,

I am doing the RND to develop integrated activities with PoweBI. If we need, we can have a discussion about this.

Thank you


So happy to hear that! Cheers @balupad14 as usual, you save lives !! :grin:

If I can help you, I’m just ALWAYS asked for, in descending order:

  1. A refresh

  2. Publish

  3. Change item (Sheet > Column Header) like dates filtering

Today I run it with start process and weirldy play with delays and wait elements


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I want to extract query table from power BI using a bot. What command is used in studio x to fetch the data from power BI ?

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I want it too. uipath’s ability of caculation is less as good as powerbi. If powerbi offers API that can be used in uipath to further process like query, fresh and etc, I think it is amazing thing.