Populate Validation Extracted Results variable for testing

I am running tests on my workflows for Document Understanding.
I would like to test my Extracted Data workflow which takes in a
UIPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ExtactionResult variable .

I have exported the results from a previous Validation Station Extraction and saved it to a text file .
Is there a way of getting this data from the text file into the above variable ?
As this would remove the need for running the whole document understanding process for testing .

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @rachael.sherry!
You need to deserialize to turn the text in ExtractionResult:

JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(of ExtractionResult)(strText)

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Thanks @mmcruzRPA
Can you tell what package I need to install to use JsonConvert.


Import the namespace Newtonsoft.Json @rachael.sherry

Hi @mmcruzRPA
I have imported the namespace

However the JsonConvert does not seem to be available.


Isn’t from there…you need to go to imports tab and import the namespace that I mentioned.

have a look on the academy course debugging. Pay special attention the section introducing the watch / immediate panel. Maybe manipulating the variable values during the debugging can serve your needs


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Thanks @mmcruzRPA have it working now. :grinning: :grinning:

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Thanks @ppr have tried that a few times, works well too

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