Document understanding action center data extraction in workflow

In my use case i am running second bot to process validated data from action center so i am saving validation id in a db at first bot run and at second bot run looping through validated id and also i want to use train extractor scope to train the model as per user validation but how can i pass extraction result variable in train extractor scope cause from get form task activity and passing validation id i am getting extracted data file path where the result is stored in tenant when i am downloading that is coming in text form, how to store that as extracted result variable for train extractor scope and also DOM for train extractor


Get form taak or get task data will not give any filepath can you please verify


Its giving me filepath of validation extraction result, DOM etc cause i am using on prem ao every data of action center is saved inside my tenant


Even we use on prem but it does not give any path or so

Can you show some screenshots


Regarding validation data still i am getting in kind of json form but how to send that in train classification scope?


are you using this activity?

this is the one which fives the required output field for it

if not how are you waiting for task completion?
