Populate data columns

Hello guys, I have a datatable with some columns that have no value. How can I populate them?

The column names are STATUS Status_Date USER TiekejoID

can you provide sample data and expected out put


HI @Povilas_Jonikas

so what ever the columns has empty you need to get out put …for that you can try this Xaml

Xaml :- Populate data columns.zip (960 Bytes)

i have taken the input as :-


output : - the out has empty columns has populated


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Hello, sorry for the later response. I have a data table that is not in excel and I use for each row in data table activity for a loop. The output of theese columns that have no value will depent on the output of if else acitivity. I basically dont know how can I insert values into thoose blank rows.

The data table:

Can you explain what to insert values into those blank rows.


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